1. Calvinists insist that faith itself is a gift from God and that if it is not a gift then it must be a meritorious work. They can never see it as a simple condition ordained by God.
2. That regeneration must precede faith in the order of salvation.
3. They claim that Calvinism is the only system that truly upholds the God’s Sovereignty.
4. Since they teach that God unconditionally chose who would be saved then He also must have chosen who would be damned. This is a necessary conclusion even though they insist otherwise.
5. Their teaching that Christ died only for the elect clearly conflicts with the plain reading of Scripture.
6. The doctrine of total depravity is pushed to the farthest extreme to the point that people no longer have free wills to make any moral or spiritual choices.
7. The doctrine of irresistible grace teaches that God forces unwilling sinners to become willing. The only possible conclusion is that we are puppets and robots.
8. If the sovereignty of God, as Calvinists teach, is true then praying for the lost is needless. Really, all praying is needless.
9. They turn conditional “if” statements into statements of fact: (Col.1:23; Heb. 3:14).
10. They push analogies farther than were intended: dead men can’t do anything including believe; a blind man can’t see no matter how much light shines to him.
11. If God draws sinners and gives them faith to believe, why do we even need to preach the gospel at all?
12. Calvinists can never have assurance of salvation right now because according to the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints one must reach the end before they can know if they truly are one of the elect.
13. The inconsistencies between the Sovereignty of God and the free will of man are punctuated to the extreme in Calvinism.
14. The Sovereignty of God in Calvinism makes God the ultimate cause of evil.
15. They invented the doctrine of Compatibilism to try and reconcile God’s determination of our actions while still holding us responsible for them.
16. How can the gospel message be a genuine invitation to the non-elect?
17. Monergism can’t explain why God sanctifies some believers better than others.
18. They use flawed reasoning such as: “if salvation is our choice then we would stick our noses up in the air and think of ourselves as smarter than others who didn’t choose.”
19. They nullify the warnings in Scripture that a true believer can fall away and perish eternally. They do this by claiming that either the warnings are only hypothetical or that they are not directed toward true believers.
20. They have to appeal to “mystery” quite often when confronted with the inconsistencies in their system. The “secret things” (Deut. 29:29) is their favorite trap door to escape.
2. That regeneration must precede faith in the order of salvation.
3. They claim that Calvinism is the only system that truly upholds the God’s Sovereignty.
4. Since they teach that God unconditionally chose who would be saved then He also must have chosen who would be damned. This is a necessary conclusion even though they insist otherwise.
5. Their teaching that Christ died only for the elect clearly conflicts with the plain reading of Scripture.
6. The doctrine of total depravity is pushed to the farthest extreme to the point that people no longer have free wills to make any moral or spiritual choices.
7. The doctrine of irresistible grace teaches that God forces unwilling sinners to become willing. The only possible conclusion is that we are puppets and robots.
8. If the sovereignty of God, as Calvinists teach, is true then praying for the lost is needless. Really, all praying is needless.
9. They turn conditional “if” statements into statements of fact: (Col.1:23; Heb. 3:14).
10. They push analogies farther than were intended: dead men can’t do anything including believe; a blind man can’t see no matter how much light shines to him.
11. If God draws sinners and gives them faith to believe, why do we even need to preach the gospel at all?
12. Calvinists can never have assurance of salvation right now because according to the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints one must reach the end before they can know if they truly are one of the elect.
13. The inconsistencies between the Sovereignty of God and the free will of man are punctuated to the extreme in Calvinism.
14. The Sovereignty of God in Calvinism makes God the ultimate cause of evil.
15. They invented the doctrine of Compatibilism to try and reconcile God’s determination of our actions while still holding us responsible for them.
16. How can the gospel message be a genuine invitation to the non-elect?
17. Monergism can’t explain why God sanctifies some believers better than others.
18. They use flawed reasoning such as: “if salvation is our choice then we would stick our noses up in the air and think of ourselves as smarter than others who didn’t choose.”
19. They nullify the warnings in Scripture that a true believer can fall away and perish eternally. They do this by claiming that either the warnings are only hypothetical or that they are not directed toward true believers.
20. They have to appeal to “mystery” quite often when confronted with the inconsistencies in their system. The “secret things” (Deut. 29:29) is their favorite trap door to escape.
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